Bernie or Bust:
Pioneers of Electoral Revolt
by @BernieOrBust
with Patrick Walker.
Dorrance Publishing
Of the events that
occurred during the contentious 2016 Presidential election, the
blatant rigging of the Democratic Party primaries against Senator
Bernie Sanders of Vermont is at the top of the list in importance.
The Bernie or Bust movement was one of the prime movers in public
debate on the issue of the Democratic nominee selection process and
its aftermath – the nomination of Hillary Clinton, a deeply flawed
candidate with a mass of political baggage, who represented the
status quo during a time when the American electorate desperately
wanted change.
The author and his
associate Patrick Walker started the Bernie or Bust grassroots
movement in 2016 with a manifesto aimed at effecting real change for
the better in the American political system. The objective was –
and is – the use of leverage to force the Democratic Party to heed
the will of the American people, not that of Big Business. This book
recounts a warts and all picture of the movement from the inside. It
doesn’t flinch from admitting the mistakes and conflict involved in
seeking a way forward, nor does it flinch from scathing and justified
condemnation of the Democratic party machine that helped elect Donald
Where the book
scores highly is in the wealth of advice included for activists,
voters, and future progressive movements. This is a valuable resource
which can be dipped into for guidance, inspiration and a wealth of
‘how to’ examples. It is also an important historical document in
its own right for all who wish to understand more about the 2016
election, those involved, and the consequences. Highly recommended.
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